Sistem Handal Yang Dapat Menjawab Kebutuhan Usaha Kecantikan Anda
Aplikasi Kasir Beauty / Salon adalah solusi yang dibuat khusus agar sesuai dengan bisnis kecantikan. Kami telah bekerja dengan ratusan bisnis kecantikan seperti spa & salon rambut dan kami dapat memahami kebutuhan anda
Aplikasi Kasir Beauty / Salon yang Lengkap & Berkualitas
Aplikasi Kasir Kecantikan / Salon kami dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur berguna yang dapat Anda terapkan dalam tugas sehari-hari. Menjalankan bisnis kecantikan / salon Anda menjadi lebih efisien.
Meningkatkan Sales Management Proses
– Identifikasi produk & kategori terlaris
– Tipping kinerja tenaga penjualan
– Lihat beberapa outlet penjualan dari HQ
– Kelola & jadwalkan pengiriman
– Diskon & promosi
Customer Royalty
– Secara efektif mengelola catatan pelanggan
– Mudah membuat dan mengelola sistem loyalitas
– Analisis riwayat pelanggan
– Identifikasi pelanggan terlaris
– Bagikan basis data pelanggan di berbagai outlet
Inventory Management
– Pertahankan tingkat persediaan yang optimal
– Kelola inventaris diberbagai lokasi
– Mengelola stock kebutuhan salon
– Pengingat limit stock
– Melakukan stock take dengan mudah
– Transfer stok antar outlet
Fitur Utama
- Generate sales invoices
- Apply discounts and promotions
- Hold and recall sales receipts
- Assign members to receipt
- Assign sales person to receipt
- Capture remarks
- Purchase & redeem reward points
- View members’ past purchases
- Void receipt with authorised approval
- Print and reprint receipt
- Configurable receipt layout
- Multiple payment types
- Partial payments: Deposit & balance payment
- Arrange delivery of items
- Voucher management
- Unlimited hot keys buttons
- Sell item combos
- End-of-day settlement
- Auto email total sales of the day for each outlets
- Synchronize sales of all outlets to backend system via internet
- Unlimited product creation with multiple attributes
- View stock balance of individual outlets or combined
- View both quantity and dollar value of inventory
- Create purchase orders
- Perform goods received
- Stock transfers between outlets
- Stock adjustments with authorizations
- Stock Taking (Comparing system quantities with physical stock)
- Low stock quantity alert to avoid under-stocking
- Integration with mobile computer or tablet
- Printing of barcode labels for tagging
- Stock card report
- Keep record of historical stock movements
- Real time inventory across outlets
- Customer database storing
- Multiple customer grouping
- Search for customers by various attributes
- View top customers
- View customers’ past purchases
- View product sales by customers
- Auto apply membership discounts by customer type
- Birthday list
- Reward Point system – accumulate reward & redemption
- Membership expiry and renewals
- Synchronize member’s data across multiple outlets
- Synchronize point rewards information across multiple outlet in real time
- Track sales persons sales
- Multiple sales persons in single receipt
- 2 sales person in a single line receipt
- Identify sales person product sales
- Multiple sales person reports
- Centralized web based reports for all outlets
- Sales by product or category
- Daily collection report
- Transaction reports
- Voided transaction reports
- Stock balance report
- Value of stock
- Stock Transfer report
- Customer purchase report
- Sales person performance report
- And many more
Dipercayai Oleh
Solusi POS kami adalah solusi yang sudah terbukti di banyak industri. Kami senang pelanggan kami mempercayai solusi & dukungan tim kami.